Tempe Manis Recipe

Tempe Manis is one of our favourite meals from Bali. It can be part of a meal, or good enough to simply eat as a snack, delicious. This recipe is so simple and easy to make, you’ll be licking your fingers in no time!

tempe manisTempe Manis

250g tempe, cut into small cubes or rectangles
2 shallots
2 garlic cloves
1 long red chili
1.5cm ginger root
3 Tbs kecap manis
1/2 tsp ground coriander seeds
40g of palm sugar (can use brown sugar)
50ml water

other ingredients that you can add in include:
kafir lime leaf, finely sliced
lemongrass, a whole bashed stick to release the flavour
galangal (possibly instead of the ginger, but it is not a common to find in some places)
a squeeze of lime juice


1. heat some oil and fry the tempe pieces until golden brown, set them aside on a paper towel
2. fry the onion, garlic, chili, ginger and coriander until soft
3. add the water, kecap manis, and sugar to taste, simmer until reduced by half
4. add the tempe back, mix together till the tempe is nicely glazed

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