Athlete's Cookbook - Recipes for Success
Athlete Advice: Pre-Exercise Nutrition
One of the most important meals for any athlete is the one before training or competition. What you eat and how long before the activity are the key points to consider. Depending on your type of sport and level of competition, you may have different food requirements before training than before competition.
Type and amount of food
The aim of the pre-exercise meal is to top up glycogen stores in the muscles and the liver for usage during exercise. Fluid levels should also be raised to ensure adequate hydration. The stomach should feel comfortable during exercise, i.e. not too full and not hungry, and the athlete should feel confident and ready for maximal effort. For examples of foods to include, see the article on the Pre-Exercise Eating.
If consuming a large meal, time is needed for digestion, therefore, it is important to have it 3-4 hours before exercise. If the meal is more of a snack, try 1-2 hours prior. High-carbohydrate, low-fat foods are the best fuel source. Carbohydrate is broken down directly to glucose, the fuel the body will use. Fat will slow digestion, taking longer for the food to be absorbed and leaving you feeling full and uncomfortable.
The amount of fluid consumed is just as important as the food that is eaten. The body does not store water as it does other nutrients and it is vital for performance to be well hydrated prior to training or competition. Make sure athletes drink plenty of fluids during the day, as well as immediately before, during and after activity or an event.
If nerves are a problem for the athlete or they have to eat close to an event, the pre-exercise meal can be taken as a drink, such as Sustagen or a similar liquid meal replacement. This will be digested more quickly and reduce stomach discomfort. This will also help to increase fluid intake.
Prior to an important event, always experiment with the type, amount and timing of meals before training sessions. This will allow the athlete to find meals that really work for their event. If help is needed in planning an eating pattern, guidance is available from a qualified sports dietitian, who can help structure a diet specifically for any athlete.
Be Organized
The key is to be organized and plan ahead. The athlete should be as responsible for their eating pattern as they are for their own success. Good nutrition will make the difference for your event, so do as you do in training and practice, practice, practice.
Here are some ideas for your pre-exercise meal:
3-4 hours before
- Breakfast cereal with low fat milk
- Toast/muffins/crumpets with jam/honey
- Spaghetti on toast
- Smoothie (blend milk, fruit, yoghurt) or Sustagen/Up&Go
- Meat & salad sandwich, yoghurt, fruit
- Pasta meal & fruit
1-2 hours before
- Fruit
- Muesli bar
- Jelly lollies
- Bread product
- Sandwich
- Sustagen/Up&Go
1/2 an hour before
- Sports drink
- Sports Gel
- Water
- Cordial
- Banana
more Athlete Advice